3.2. Showing compute cluster details and overview

3.2. Showing compute cluster details and overview

3.2.1. vinfra service compute show

Display compute cluster details:

usage: vinfra service compute show


# vinfra service compute show
| Field        | Value                               |
| capabilities | cpu_models:                         |
|              | - Nehalem                           |
|              | - Nehalem-IBRS                      |
|              | - SandyBridge                       |
|              | - SandyBridge-IBRS                  |
|              | - IvyBridge                         |
|              | - IvyBridge-IBRS                    |
|              | - Haswell                           |
|              | - Haswell-IBRS                      |
|              | - Haswell-noTSX                     |
|              | - Haswell-noTSX-IBRS                |
|              | - Broadwell                         |
|              | - Broadwell-IBRS                    |
|              | - Broadwell-noTSX                   |
|              | - Broadwell-noTSX-IBRS              |
|              | - Skylake-Client                    |
|              | - Skylake-Client-IBRS               |
|              | - Skylake-Server                    |
|              | - Skylake-Server-IBRS               |
|              | - HostPassthrough                   |
|              | os_distributions:                   |
|              | - id: linux                         |
|              |   os_type: linux                    |
|              |   title: Generic Linux              |
|              | - id: centos8                       |
|              |   os_type: linux                    |
|              |   title: CentOS 8                   |
|              | - id: centos7                       |
|              |   os_type: linux                    |
|              |   title: CentOS 7                   |
|              | - id: centos6                       |
|              |   os_type: linux                    |
|              |   title: CentOS 6                   |
|              | - id: rhel8                         |
|              |   os_type: linux                    |
|              |   title: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 |
|              | - id: rhel7                         |
|              |   os_type: linux                    |
|              |   title: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 |
|              | - id: ubuntu20.04                   |
|              |   os_type: linux                    |
|              |   title: Ubuntu 20.04               |
|              | - id: ubuntu18.04                   |
|              |   os_type: linux                    |
|              |   title: Ubuntu 18.04               |
|              | - id: ubuntu16.04                   |
|              |   os_type: linux                    |
|              |   title: Ubuntu 16.04               |
|              | - id: debian10                      |
|              |   os_type: linux                    |
|              |   title: Debian 10                  |
|              | - id: debian9                       |
|              |   os_type: linux                    |
|              |   title: Debian 9                   |
|              | - id: windows                       |
|              |   os_type: windows                  |
|              |   title: Generic Windows            |
|              | - id: win2k19                       |
|              |   os_type: windows                  |
|              |   title: Windows Server 2019        |
|              | - id: win2k16                       |
|              |   os_type: windows                  |
|              |   title: Windows Server 2016        |
|              | - id: win2k12r2                     |
|              |   os_type: windows                  |
|              |   title: Windows Server 2012 R2     |
|              | - id: win2k12                       |
|              |   os_type: windows                  |
|              |   title: Windows Server 2012        |
|              | - id: win2k8r2                      |
|              |   os_type: windows                  |
|              |   title: Windows Server 2008 R2     |
|              | - id: win2k8                        |
|              |   os_type: windows                  |
|              |   title: Windows Server 2008        |
|              | - id: win10                         |
|              |   os_type: windows                  |
|              |   title: Windows 10                 |
|              | - id: win8.1                        |
|              |   os_type: windows                  |
|              |   title: Windows 8.1                |
|              | - id: win7                          |
|              |   os_type: windows                  |
|              |   title: Windows 7                  |
| options      | cpu_model: null                     |
|              | custom_params: []                   |
|              | notification_forwarding: disabled   |
| status       | active                              |

This command shows the status and capabilities of the compute cluster.

3.2.2. vinfra service compute stat

Display compute cluster statistics:

usage: vinfra service compute stat


# vinfra service compute stat
| Field    | Value                                        |
| compute  | block_capacity: 1073741824                   |
|          | block_usage: 268435456                       |
|          | cpu_allocation_ratio: 8                      |
|          | cpu_usage: 0.09                              |
|          | mem_total: 536870912                         |
|          | mem_usage: 176398336                         |
|          | vcpus: 1                                     |
|          | vcpus_free: 47                               |
| datetime | 2020-05-01T16:16:08.120482                   |
| fenced   | compute_mem_total: 0                         |
|          | physical_cpu_cores: 0                        |
|          | physical_cpu_usage: 0                        |
|          | physical_mem_total: 0                        |
|          | reserved_memory: 0                           |
|          | vcpus: 0                                     |
| physical | block_capacity: 1099511627776                |
|          | block_free: 1099213661363                    |
|          | cpu_cores: 12                                |
|          | cpu_usage: 8.31                              |
|          | mem_total: 49967353856                       |
|          | vcpus_total: 96                              |
| reserved | cpus: 6                                      |
|          | memory: 26135298048                          |
|          | vcpus: 48                                    |
| servers  | count: 1                                     |
|          | error: 0                                     |
|          | in_progress: 0                               |
|          | running: 1                                   |
|          | stopped: 0                                   |
|          | top:                                         |
|          |   disk:                                      |
|          |   - id: 32b0f95d-477f-46b5-86d6-e150360ea673 |
|          |     name: vm1                                |
|          |     size: 268435456                          |
|          |   memory:                                    |
|          |   - id: 32b0f95d-477f-46b5-86d6-e150360ea673 |
|          |     name: vm1                                |
|          |     size: 176398336                          |
|          |   vcpus:                                     |
|          |   - count: 0.01                              |
|          |     id: 32b0f95d-477f-46b5-86d6-e150360ea673 |
|          |     name: vm1                                |

This command shows the overview of the compute cluster.