3.15. Managing volume snapshots

3.15. Managing volume snapshots

3.15.1. vinfra service compute volume snapshot create

Create a snapshot of a volume:

usage: vinfra service compute volume snapshot create [--description <description>]
                                                     --volume <volume>
--description <description>
Volume snapshot description
--volume <volume>
Volume ID or name
Volume snapshot name


# vinfra service compute volume snapshot create mysnapshot --volume myvolume
| Field       | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2019-04-30T13:12:54.297629+00:00     |
| description |                                      |
| id          | 3fdfe5d6-8bd2-4bf5-8599-a9cef50e5b71 |
| metadata    | {}                                   |
| name        | mysnapshot                           |
| project_id  | fd0ae61496d04ef6bb637bc3167b7eaf     |
| size        | 8                                    |
| status      | creating                             |
| volume_id   | 92dc3bd7-713d-42bf-83cd-4de40c24fed9 |

This command initiates creation of a snapshot mysnapshot of the volume myvolume.

3.15.2. vinfra service compute volume snapshot list

List volume snapshots:

usage: vinfra service compute volume snapshot list [--long] [--volume <volume>]
Enable access and listing of all fields of objects.
--volume <volume>
Volume ID or name


# vinfra service compute volume snapshot list -c id -c name -c size -c status
| id                                   | name       | status    |
| 3fdfe5d6-8bd2-4bf5-8599-a9cef50e5b71 | mysnapshot | available |

This command lists volume snapshots available to the compute cluster. (The output is abridged to fit on page.)

3.15.3. vinfra service compute volume snapshot show

Display details of a volume snapshot:

usage: vinfra service compute volume snapshot show <volume-snapshot>
Volume snapshot ID or name


# vinfra service compute volume snapshot show mysnapshot
| Field       | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2019-04-30T13:12:54.297629+00:00     |
| description |                                      |
| id          | 3fdfe5d6-8bd2-4bf5-8599-a9cef50e5b71 |
| metadata    | {}                                   |
| name        | mysnapshot                           |
| project_id  | fd0ae61496d04ef6bb637bc3167b7eaf     |
| size        | 8                                    |
| status      | available                            |
| volume_id   | 92dc3bd7-713d-42bf-83cd-4de40c24fed9 |

This command shows the details for the volume snapshot mysnapshot.

3.15.4. vinfra service compute volume snapshot set

Modify volume snapshot parameters:

usage: vinfra service compute volume snapshot set [--description <description>]
                                                  [--name <name>] <volume-snapshot>
--description <description>
Volume snapshot description
--name <name>
A new name for the volume snapshot
Volume snapshot ID or name


# vinfra service compute volume snapshot set mysnapshot --name mynewsnapshot
| Field       | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2019-04-30T13:12:54.297629+00:00     |
| description |                                      |
| id          | 3fdfe5d6-8bd2-4bf5-8599-a9cef50e5b71 |
| metadata    | {}                                   |
| name        | mynewsnapshot                        |
| project_id  | fd0ae61496d04ef6bb637bc3167b7eaf     |
| size        | 8                                    |
| status      | available                            |
| volume_id   | 92dc3bd7-713d-42bf-83cd-4de40c24fed9 |

This command changes the name of the volume snapshot mysnapshot to mynewsnapshot.

3.15.5. vinfra service compute volume snapshot upload-to-image

Create a compute image from a compute volume snapshot:

usage: vinfra service compute volume snapshot upload-to-image [--name <name>]
--name <name>
Image name
Volume snapshot ID or name


# vinfra service compute volume snapshot upload-to-image --name myvm-image \
| Field            | Value                                |
| checksum         |                                      |
| container_format | bare                                 |
| created_at       |                                      |
| disk_format      | qcow2                                |
| id               | 6a7a78c1-7168-4387-9b55-23fd477fdaa0 |
| min_disk         |                                      |
| min_ram          |                                      |
| name             | myvm-image                           |
| os_distro        | linux                                |
| os_type          | linux                                |
| project_id       |                                      |
| protected        | False                                |
| public           | False                                |
| size             | 1                                    |
| status           | uploading                            |
| tags             |                                      |
| updated_at       | 2019-06-07T12:30:43.462707           |
| virtual_size     |                                      |

This command creates the compute image myvm-image from the volume snapshot mynewsnapshot.

3.15.6. vinfra service compute volume snapshot revert

Revert a volume to the specified snapshot:

usage: vinfra service compute volume snapshot revert <volume-snapshot>
Volume snapshot ID or name


# vinfra service compute volume snapshot revert mynewsnapshot
| Field       | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2019-04-30T13:12:54.297629+00:00     |
| description |                                      |
| id          | 3fdfe5d6-8bd2-4bf5-8599-a9cef50e5b71 |
| metadata    | {}                                   |
| name        | mynewsnapshot                        |
| project_id  | fd0ae61496d04ef6bb637bc3167b7eaf     |
| size        | 8                                    |
| status      | available                            |
| volume_id   | 92dc3bd7-713d-42bf-83cd-4de40c24fed9 |

This command reverts the volume to its snapshot mynewsnapshot.

3.15.7. vinfra service compute volume snapshot reset-state

Reset a volume snapshot stuck in the “Error” state or one of transitional states to the “Available” state:

usage: vinfra service compute volume snapshot reset-state <volume-snapshot>
Volume snapshot ID or name


# vinfra service compute volume snapshot reset-state mynewsnapshot
| Field       | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2019-04-30T13:12:54.297629+00:00     |
| description |                                      |
| id          | 3fdfe5d6-8bd2-4bf5-8599-a9cef50e5b71 |
| metadata    | {}                                   |
| name        | mynewsnapshot                        |
| project_id  | fd0ae61496d04ef6bb637bc3167b7eaf     |
| size        | 8                                    |
| status      | available                            |
| volume_id   | 92dc3bd7-713d-42bf-83cd-4de40c24fed9 |

This command resets the state of the volume snapshot mynewsnapshot.

3.15.8. vinfra service compute volume snapshot delete

Delete a volume snapshot:

usage: vinfra service compute volume snapshot delete <volume-snapshot>
Volume snapshot ID or name


# vinfra service compute volume snapshot delete mynewsnapshot
Operation successful

This command deletes the volume snapshot mynewsnapshot.